5 Tips For Responding To Negative Social Media Comments

    5 Tips For Responding To Negative Social Media Comments

    Business owners often ask us whether we think they should get involved in social media for their business. Before deciding whether social media is appropriate for your business, there are a few things you need to consider. There are many advantages to being involved in social media – leveraging your network, powerful word of mouth […]


    Outsourcing Your Website Updates Can Save You Money

    Outsourcing Your Website Updates Can Save You Money

    If your website is just sitting there not being updated, you could be missing out on opportunities to attract new customers and grow your business. If you want to keep your site updated but can’t justify the cost of employing a web manager or going to an expensive marketing agency or web development company, you […]


    Does anyone still use the Yellow Pages? Not Me!

    Does anyone still use the Yellow Pages? Not Me!

    I can’t remember the last time I opened a yellow pages book and I don’t know anyone else who has either. Maybe my nanna? Actually probably my nanna because she is the only person I know who isn’t online. As for everyone else, they’re doing their research online to find the products and services they […]


    Is your website responsive? If not you could be losing business!

    Is your website responsive? If not you could be losing business!

    It’s been a while between blog posts as we’ve been busy building some fabulous new responsive websites. Is your website responsive? How does it look on a mobile or tablet? Is it small or formatted badly? Do you or your users constantly have to zoom in and scroll the page around to view your site? […]


    The Benefits Of Twitter – From a Twitter Expert!

    The Benefits Of Twitter – From a Twitter Expert!

    Twitter seems to be the social media platform that people either love or hate. It’s also the one that people find most confusing. They don’t get it and don’t understand why people use it. They hear words like ‘hashtag’ and ‘retweet’ and run for the hills. Then you have others who totally get it, and […]


    E-tailer No-brainers – 5 Essentials For Online Stores – Part 1

    E-tailer No-brainers – 5 Essentials For Online Stores – Part 1

    From a shoppers perspective, the internet provides access to as many stores as you wish.  Hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of stores. And more opening every day. If you’re an online retailer, this means your (many) competitors are just a click away.  So if your site isn’t user-friendly, or your products aren’t easy to find, it […]


    Common Sense Isn’t Very Common When It Comes to Web Design

    Common Sense Isn’t Very Common When It Comes to Web Design

    It seems that when it comes to website design, common sense isn’t very common. I’m not saying ALWAYS, but far too often for my liking!! Almost every day in my online journey, researching and surfing (do we still call it surfing??) the web, I come across a site that leaves me baffled as to what […]


    What You Need To Know About Website Content

    What You Need To Know About Website Content

    The content on your website could not be any more important than it is right now. Second only to your sites overall design, (in my opinion anyway), your content is the most important thing about your website. Your content can be the difference between someone staying and reading on, or leaving never to return. A […]


    5 Tips On Building Trust Via Your Website

    5 Tips On Building Trust Via Your Website

    Whether you like it or not, each visitor to your website is subconsciously judging your company. Visiting a new website is just like walking into a shop or an office for the first time. First impressions count, and can be the difference between winning or losing someones business. If you think about the last time […]